Sunday, September 6, 2009

Back to School!!

It is hard to believe school has once again started for all of us, but we're off!! James was the first to start on Wednesday. It was a big day for him as he began middle school. The school he is attending is named Jean Moulin and both the middle school and high school are in the same building. James is the only English speaker in his class, and he is doing great! We look forward to seeing his French jump in the next weeks as he is immersed and learning history, french, science, math, and english-- all in French! Cassie went back to same school she went to last year and jumped right in. Boaz also is back at his same school, except this year he is in the grande section which means no nap!! This makes life much easier for him. Also, he really likes his teacher.
It is exciting to see each of the kids enjoying their school experience and actually thriving in it. We are so thankful for everyone praying for us, we can see God at work in our family and are grateful for all He is doing. Please keep praying for our continual growth in our ability to communicate in French!

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Love the pictures.