Sunday, March 8, 2009

The French Challenge

This week has been a great learning experience as far as finding out firsthand the many pitfalls in learning a new language. I had the opportunity to preach in chapel this week (in French). This was a great lesson concerning all that is involved in delivering a message in a different language. The way it works around here is like this... first you have to write the manuscript for what you are going to say--not easy!! Something is so easy to say in English may not even translate into French. The teacher then goes through the manuscript to correct any grammatical errors. Then you read it to the teacher who corrects your pronunciation-- again, not easy! All this before the actual delivery of the message. You might think if you stand up with a manuscript of good French (remember it has been proofread and corrected by the French instructor) it's all easy after that...not so... as you stand up front you realize that there are fifteen minutes worth of words that you potentially could mispronounce!! Not only that, as a preacher, the realization was also driven home that it is very easy to emphasize something unintentionally with voice inflection!! Wow, the pitfalls are many!!

We are so thankful for everyone who continually prays for us-- this (learning French) is truly a task for which we need God's grace and help to accomplish!! By the way, I've included a small clip of my message so you see we are working diligently:) I recorded it so I can watch it later for encouragement at the hopeful progress made.