Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Learning Life in God's school

Phillippians 4:11-13 says, "...for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me."
I have read and studied and preached through these verses many times, but as we continue down the path that the Lord has called us to, we are learning more and more the power of what is contained in these few verses. Contentment is something that can easily elude us in life if we aren't careful. I have never considered myself one to be discontent, but going through the changes that have accompanied our move into a new culture have shown me how discontentment can easily creep into our lives. I am thankful that God is teaching us new lessons about contentment as we adjust. It is only by His grace and only by His strength that such adjustments can be made!! Some of the smallest things can be the biggest source of discontentment (it never seems to be the big things). For instance, our shower has caused a challenge for me each morning. It is a 2 ft. square (which for me means the inability to turn real easily), and the water doesn't drain because the drain goes into a half inch pipe (which means your shower is in ankle deep water and fast as the water rises to overflowing). Every morning I dread a shower (which I used to enjoy), but in my devotions this morning I came across this verse and realized Satan was using something as small as an inconvenient shower to cause discontentment and I was very grateful that God brought something like an inconvenient shower into my life to teach me contentment. As we prepare to go to Africa, where there will be more inconveniences, I know we will be thankful for what God is teaching now. (I recall a friend in Central Africa telling me about taking a bath with a bucket outside).
Contentment is indeed something we can learn by God's grace and we can definitely "do all things through Him."
Thank you for praying for us!! I have included a couple of video clips for fun.