Our main form of transportation these days is bikes. The kids have gotten really good at travelling along the roads. We, of course, have to ride in a straight line and so have named our "car" the Gerhart train. It is always an adventure going to the stores on the other side of town especially as we have to go around several round-about on the way that have traffic. We all stick together and the "train" makes it all the way around.
I (Jim) had an interesting experience yesterday when I was riding by myself (thankfully). I went down a road we had never been on before because I had made a wrong turn on my bike. I got on this road and started riding only to find that a dog was on the other side of a fence barking wildly at me. At that moment I breathed a sigh of relief to see the fence that separated me from the dog and kept riding as the dog ran with me along the fence. All was well for a moment, until I had the dreadful realization that the fence didn't have a side!!! The dog was very happy about this-- me not so much. I discovered that the dog did not like bike riders as he began the chase. I thought I was doing good at increasing my speed until I looked down and noticed he was attached to my thigh!! At that moment I said a prayer and really started peddling. The dog lost his grip on my leg and a block later lost interest in the chase. God really protected the "Gerhart train" at least part. Originally, I was going to have James come with me, but we decided not to (Thank God). I am really thankful that God answered my urgent prayer and allowed me to get away from the dog, but the greater protection of allowing such a thing to happen when none of the kids were with me!
Oh, by the way, the dog only left a nice lump and a big bruise on the top of my leg. I am also very thankful for blue jeans!! Thanks for praying for us, one never knows what a day has in store!