It's hard to believe another week has already gone. We've had our ups and downs this week. As we mentioned last week, James was beginning his school this week. Well, he started in one school on the other side of town on Monday afternoon. He really enjoyed the school and the other kids. Having said that, by lunch on Tuesday, they decided to put him in the same school as Cassie (right across the street from our school). James has proven himself to be quite flexible and though dissappointed at first at the change, has made friends in his new school. He is doing a tremendous job fitting in. He also went on a youth group skiing trip with the church we have been going to and had a blast. (By the way, his school gave him skis on his first day because they take an entire week in February to go skiing-- I guess as their PE!!). Cassie continues to do well at school, also. She has basically been put into a class that is doing at least first grade if not second grade work and she has really done a terrific job. She had only started kindergarten in PA and now she is writing in cursive and has math and everything else! Her teacher said she is a very determined girl! We are proud of her. She also lost her first tooth this week. Boaz did a marvelous job going to his school also. He is just about over his issue with the nap time and enjoys learning in class.
We also took a hike to a nearby historical site--the scenery here never ceases to amaze me (check out the pics). God's power is evident every time I look out the window and see the mountains!
As far as the down side goes, we were smitten with a stomach virus this week (I probably need not say more). Christal missed an entire day of class on Thursday and then Jim got it on Sunday and Boaz is home from school on Monday (which means dad and mom both missed a half day of class). Please pray that we will be able to keep up with our classes with this challenge. Thank you so much for your continued prayers!